Kamis, 28 Mei 2009

What a Tiring Days

The passed several days were a tiring days for me. It began with taking part in debating championship. Me and my friends were prepared for it for about two weeks, so that we will have been ready for it. We always went home late because of it. And... the battle began on last Tuesday. We were fighting on three preliminary round. We won on the first round, but the next two rounds were very disappointing for us. We lost, although in me and my lecturer's observation our opponents were worse than us. They made many mistakes and gave inappropriate materials. How come they could beat us? I'm still wondering why the adjudicators gave us the worst rank. Did they have a conspiration for the competition? Did they want to get rid the tough competitors so that their university could win easily? I don't know exactly. But, it's OK. Whatever the result was, it's still worth to appreciate. We've got new lessons and experience in living real life.

2 komentar:

sepsup mengatakan...

Let it be.. our adjudicator is our God. hahahah,
visit me back!!!

sepsup mengatakan...

Poho, bisi hayang ningali nilai adjudikasina

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